Tuesday, August 4, 2009


A few days ago I shot a junk market in the Baqa'a Palestinian camp north of Amman. There are ten official Palestinian camps here in Jordan, and conditions within them are only slightly better than being homeless. In Baqa'a, residents scour the trash cans in Amman and sell whatever junk they find: broken cassette tapes, dismembered dolls, a phone cord. The residents are also very outspoken about their dislike of Jews, Isreal, and America's support of said country. The bookstore owner pictured above asked to see my camera and after I handed it to him, told me he was keeping it. When I protested he said, "this is what the Jews did with our land". Point taken. He then insisted I take a free book and the poster pictured above, which reads, "Saddam Hussein: the hero, the martyr". Every day here is an education. Tyrant + misguided American imperialism = hero.

1 comment:

  1. Scannellski

    Dude... I've been looking all over for a paperback copy of "Immortal Dragon".
