Monday, July 6, 2009


Tonight I was told to go shoot the singer featured in the the bottom photo. This is where the language barrier rears its deformed little head. I was told the show was at the old Roman amphitheater, a prominent downtown landmark. When I arrived, there were throngs of people heading inside, all carrying tickets. I had no ticket, just a photo ID badge made on the computer and the assurance that I was "on the list". At each of the three military checkpoints I came to, the soldiers had big guns, but no apparent "list". I explained in a tongue they couldn't understand that I was on the list and they told me each time "no" and made me stand aside. A few seconds later I continued on through the checkpoint unimpeded. Once I was inside the amphitheater and escorted to the photography pit, I recognized some familiar faces (the 6 Jordanian press corp members) and began shooting. First came the bagpipers, then the children dancers, then adult dancers. After an hour I feared something was wrong. I asked the photographer next to me if a pretty singer was part of tonight's show, and he informed me through his laughter that she was performing in a small theatre adjacent to the Roman amphitheater. I made my way out and luckily caught the last two songs of said singer. I really need to learn more Arabic other than swear words!