Saturday, May 23, 2009


My friend Bryce is the most generous person I know. He also hates to be photographed or to have his generosity noted, so I hope he misses this entry. I snuck outside to take this photo while he was smoking, which is a perfect example of his generous spirit. Since I arrived in Jordan a few days ago, Bryce has taken to smoking outside, as he knows I hate the smell of smoke. I told him, "Bryce, it's your apartment, do whatever the fuck you want." But he goes outside in the 90 degree heat to smoke. A little irony here is that I'm an ex-smoker who got Bryce smoking in the first place back in college. The world could use a few more people like my friend Bryce.    


  1. gosh, what a colorless porch... and a very gray man... thank goodness for tats...

  2. I think we know who your biggest blog fan is....... Should I be jealous? Let's see some pictures of the musical propane trucks and the town.

  3. actually, just swap "biggest" with "only".... :)

  4. You may have a point.....just kidding B.

  5. actually swap "biggest" with "most hilarious"
