Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Photographers generally have no say in the typeface that accompanies their photos. Had the above piece been about creative graffiti or anything weed related I think the choice might have worked. But homelessness is a bit more serious. The writer, J. Adrian Stanley, tried to broaden the scope of the article, but it's really about how the city's homeless set up camps along the river and squat until they are asked to leave by police (the police give them bright orange eviction notices, I'm told with compassion). The homeless go somewhere else but leave all their trash for the city and delinquent teens to pick up. We're talking about pickup trucks full of trash from each camp. It's a problem. That being said, I wouldn't want to be homeless in Colorado Springs: it's cold and the people here aren't very tolerant. It is a bootstrap kind of community, where the haves inherit generationally tried bootstraps that work more like dyna-bands than shoelaces, while the homeless are left wondering what crack-head stole their shoes. 

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