Friday, August 21, 2015


I find it hard believe that God wants anyone to own a million dollar yacht, so I take some offense to this ship named Trinity pretending to be bathed in Christian ideals. I'm fairly certain Jesus didn't die so this person could have an opulent boat.  There is a reason why people like Jesus, Buddha, Gandhi, Mother Teresa, and other godly folks lived modestly. There is something that comes with understanding the connectedness of all life that pushes people away from indulgence. Extravagance always comes at a cost to others, from the $10 an hour employee that gets cancer from breathing the marine epoxies that seal the boat's fiberglass, to the indigenous people who are kicked off their land so their teak trees can be harvested to make the yacht's cabinetry, to the innocent Arab families that have been killed as the collateral damage of war to secure the massive amounts of oil required to push the boat from port to port. Perhaps godly people are those with eyes that see these connections, but I'm not sure. Americans do a great job of isolating ourselves to avoid the uncomfortable truths about how our lifestyles effect people in other parts of the world we've never met. If you want to own a luxury boat because you feel like you've worked hard and deserve it, that's your business, but better to call it the Ayn Rand or the Bill Gates, and change the Jesus fish to a dollar sign. As we push deeper into the age of indulgence, I hope these connections become more apparent to the well-meaning well-to-do. Perhaps Trinity could discover some truth on a yachting adventure to Bangladesh to see where boat shoes are made.    

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