Saturday, September 10, 2011


I guess I was probably in 4th grade when my dad built us a plywood fort underneath the deck of our house. It was simple and crude structure, but it was a fort nonetheless. Not long after its completion, my brother and I were out riding our bikes when we came across a very interesting magazine that somebody must have thrown out their car window. It was a Penthouse. What a fascinating find! Being young and stupid I decided we should decorate the walls of our new fort with the unusual photos in the magazine. I specifically remember that the name of one article was "Going Down", and it featured a woman "servicing" a man in an elevator. Something about those pictures captured my youthful imagination. My brother and I plaster the pages all over the fort and were so proud of ourselves that we asked our mom to come take a look. Needless to say she was horrified and we were grounded. The old porno fort was never the same afterwards. A photo might be worth a thousand words, but sometimes those words don't tell the whole story.

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