Tuesday, March 8, 2011


One thing I struggle with in Jordan is being intellectually engaged. This is not due to a lack of intellectuals, but rather my lack of being very sociable. I have however met some fascinating people through my work, and I add Basel Uraiqat to that list. He is an artist/architect that I interviewed and photographed for Jo magazine. The article pretty much says it all, but I will note Basel's intensity. He's like Ayn Rand or Nietzsche if either of them had a sense of humor. He is also unique in that he is one of only a handful of people I know that truly seems happily married. His wife Basma shares Basel's passion and intensity and they really seem (excuse this Hallmark moment) made for each other. View the article by clicking here.

1 comment:

  1. What do you mean? A Russian and a Prussian without senses of humor? Unheard of!!!
