Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I am nearing the end of my first diamond shooting endeavor. I will never look at these expensive little rocks the same way again. I shot 58 pieces for the upcoming Kayali Jewelry catalog. Each piece took around an hour to shoot (on good days), and another hour or two to touch up in Photoshop. I learned a lot from the experience. I had a make-shift light laboratory set up in the conference room of the jewelry company. Every time I thought I had a method that might work for all the pieces, I was proven wrong. I used Canon's new 100 mm L series macro for all the photos, and I am very happy with its performance. Now I think it's safe to say I shoot everything. On one of the diamond shoot days I had to leave early to shoot the city dump. From diamonds to dumpsters. I do however draw the line at high school portraits.

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