Monday, January 11, 2010


I was fully prepared to hate Dubai. It's well reported over-the-top opulence and pretentiousness seemed counter to what I enjoy while traveling. But to my surprise, I kind of liked this little Emirate. Don't get me wrong, the next post will be entitled "Appalling Dubai", but this crazy Arab city gets a lot right that Jordan misses. Most refreshing and immediately noticeable; it's a clean place. There are trash cans placed rather frequently and places to recycle cans and paper. They have light rail and a great bus system. Driving conditions are up to Western safety standards. Taxis are metered and don't rip people off. Smoking is banned inside most public places. Like Jordan, I found the people to be welcoming and helpful. The food, though overpriced, was world class delicious. And can anyone complain about 80 degree weather in January? From a photographic standpoint the architecture was the big draw. Every building is unique and the multitude of styles works in the way that Vegas works. I actually thought of Vegas quite a bit on the trip. I hate Vegas, but Dubai is Vegas without most of the sin, at least not as blatantly sinful. Most of Dubai's sins are financial in nature.

Pictured above is the Burj Khalifa and a view from the 124th floor observation deck. On January 4th, this building officially became the world's tallest. Below that is the Burj Al Arab, the world's only 7 star hotel (though really this is just an ingenious marketing campaign). Rooms start at around $3000 a night. Note the helicopter landing pad and the man-made island it sits on. And finally, there is Ski Dubai, the only indoor ski resort located in a desert. Even when it's 120 degrees outside, it's 28 degrees inside.

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