Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Unfortunately, Julie is a follower of the Sex and the City show. So as a favor to her I downloaded the latest movie, Sex and the City II, set mostly in the Middle Eastern city of Abu Dhabi (but actually filmed in Morocco). I made the awful mistake of watching parts of it. If you travel the world like I do and have even the slightest curiosity why a culture might resent you just for being an American, blame the four idiots pictured above. In the above scene the ladies are karaokeing the song "I Am Woman" to a clearly oppressed room of partying women. This is one of the countless examples from the film of the enlightened Americans trying to liberate the poor oppressed savages. The film is offensive on so many levels that it's hard to highlight just a few examples, but here goes: Samantha (the whorish character) fellates a water pipe in front of a table of conservative Muslim men, a move that would get you arrested in Abu Dhabi or in Alabama, and is outraged when she later gets arrested hooking up on the beach. Later, condoms fall out of her purse and an angry mob of Muslim men encircle her and chase her through the city. The only problem is that Arabs use birth control and wouldn't be offended by seeing condoms. Perhaps they were more offended by her next move: dry humping the air and declaring "Yes, I have sex". Arabs also have sex, if not, Julie would not be teaching 4th grade. They just tend to be more reserved in talking about it.

I think as a retaliation, an Arab country should make a film where 4 wealthy, superficial, self-absorbed Arab men go to America, and belittle everyone they meet about being overweight, impatient, and detached from their families.


  1. Brian is the most articulate writer I have ever read. I couldn't have said it any better.

  2. yup, you are a good writer... :) love reading the posts.

  3. yet he can't sense sarcasm in writing apparently!!
