Friday, November 6, 2009


Well, I got the job shooting the Royal cars for an upcoming calendar. I've been working everyday inside the Royal Palace. Before you get too excited, you should know that I'm shooting in the bottom floor of a parking garage, in a makeshift studio I created out of bed sheets. My assistant speaks very little English and gets frustrated when cars take longer than an hour to shoot (though to his credit he complains in Arabic). For lighting I have three Canon Speedlites and two halogen work lights. I've created giant soft-boxes out of white sheets, eliminated ceiling reflections using black fabric strung over the cars, and balanced my lights shooting in a modified tungsten white balance and gelling my flashes with CTO's. Every car is a new challenge. I've shot six, so six more to go. I'm not a huge car person, but I fell in love with the 1955 Mercedes Gullwing pictured above. It is truly a work of art. They simply don't make things with this attention to detail anymore. It is roughly a million dollar car, and I want one! I'm also told it was the late King Hussein's favorite.

1 comment:

  1. Great title......I'll see if I can work something out for your Birthday. How old are you going to be again? 40?
