Life continues to be interesting here in Jordan. I got a call the other day to shoot an author's book photo. The guy who called sounded American and said he was working with law enforcement here. When I arrived at his apartment he introduced himself as Ed Conlon, an NYPD police officer stationed in Amman. Apparently after 9-11 the NYPD decided they needed intelligence officers working with local police forces around the world (mostly in the Middle East of course). In addition to being a police officer, Ed is also a best selling author. His first book, Blue Blood, spent several weeks on the New York Times bestsellers list and inspired the new CBS show Blue Bloods. The book I took his picture for, Red on Red, is his first work of fiction and is due out in April 2011. Check out Ed on the Daily Show by clicking here.
I loved Blue Blood and I can't wait until his next book comes out!