I have to say, I've been pretty embarrassed by the United States these past few weeks. Between the New York Mosque controversies and the Qur'an burnings, I'm wondering when we turned into a nation of intolerant rednecks. I know the media has had a major role in sensationalizing these issues, but I also know that hatred and bigotry are a part of the unspoken fabric of America.
I spent 9/11 taking photos at a Children's Museum here in Amman. It was nice being around little people blissfully unaware of the craziness of the world. Thankful I live in an open-minded, tolerant, Muslim country. People here, unlike many Americans, have the mental capacity to separate US policy from the American people (if not I'd be the victim of daily hate crimes). It is almost a cliche to get into a cab in Amman and hear a tirade from the driver condemning US policy on Iraq and Israel, and then in the same breath declare that he loves the American people and wants to know if you can help him get a visa. Even concerning Israel, most people here direct their anger at the "Zionist machine" and not at Jews themselves. I think Americans inability to separate the actions of a few from a religion practiced by over a billion people is a frightening testament to the state of our education system. If we burn anything, it should be school textbooks!
Thank You for your True Kind Words about Real Muslims !