Saturday, May 1, 2010


There is no arguing that Jordan and the Middle East are misogynistic cultures, though things have gotten better in the past decade: women have high powered jobs, they feel free to dress how they please, and there is even some degree of sexual freedom. But things aren't perfect. Twice now Julie has fallen victim of female discrimination. In the first instance, she went into a copy store to print out her resume, only to come back a minute later without it. The self-loathing woman behind the counter told her it would take a few hours to complete the job. I went into the store a minute later and the same girl immediately walked me down to the copy station and printed up the resume. Yesterday I had an assignment at the Roman Citadel and Julie came along. While I was setting up Julie attempted to walk around the site, only to be told it was closed. I informed her this wasn't true which she didn't believe, and as I was taking the above photo a group of men entered the site. This is one of those cases where a picture is worth a thousand words, most of them profanities.

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