Sunday, June 24, 2012
Friday, June 22, 2012
Thursday, June 21, 2012
I was quite surprised upon arriving in Fiji a few weeks ago to find the island mostly devoid of tourist infrastructure. In fact, apart from a handful of high-end resorts, the island is very rustic. Many of the villages don't have plumbing or electricity. It is also super humid and full of malaria-free mosquitoes. It wasn't until my last day there that I went to the area where I took the bottom photo; what most people probably think of when they think of Fiji. I drank a fair amount of Kava while in country. Kava is a root that the locals have been grinding and making into a ceremonial beverage for centuries. It is known to have mild narcotic effects, though all it ever gave me was an upset stomach. Currently I'm in New Zealand enjoying their fairly mild winter. Pictures to come shortly.