A quick post of two pictures I liked from our first day in Manaus, Brazil. We arrived this morning after six days at sea. Julie and I head into the rain forest tomorrow to fish for piranha and other touristy crap. More pictures after that.
Dominica is a little island in the Eastern Caribbean that most people have never heard of, mostly because it lacks the wide sand beaches that tourists covet. It's probably most famous for being a hangout spot for sperm whales, though I didn't see any. Julie and I went snorkeling and walked around downtown. We had fantastic local cuisine including jerk shrimp and Tibuli beer. We are now heading up the Amazon river toward Manaus, Brazil.
We had a really nice celebration tonight as the last ten students joined the ship. Their passports were being held by the Brazilian embassy and they came within a breath of missing the voyage. An unusual and emotional start to the voyage.
We have left Nassau...sort of. Ten students had their visas delayed by the Brazilian embassy, so the ship had to leave port only to return later that evening to pick up the last students. I'm pretty sure Royal Caribbean wouldn't do the same. We officially leave tonight at 8pm.
The 108th sailing of Semester at Sea is nearly underway at long last. We are in the Bahamas and just about all the students have embarked. We set sail for Dominica tomorrow at noon. Julie and I are adjusting to life at sea and our tiny little room. I have been quite busy and didn't even get off the ship in Nassau. I don't think I missed much.