Planned obsolescence is when companies plan in advance to phase out certain technologies in order to make people keep buying their new products. A few days ago my new MacBook Pro computer arrived from Apple (my 4th Apple in 5 years). Getting a new computer used to be a happy time. Now it is filled with nervous anticipation over what software won't run on the new operating system. So far just two disappointments: Microsoft Office 2004 and Final Cut Studio 2. The later is a big setback because I've heard nothing but bad things about the new Final Cut X. Hollywood used to edit movies with this software, and now it's an app you download online? Not impressed. Microsoft Office just pisses me off because I only need it for Word, and Word isn't worth $150. And lastly, Apple is phasing out iWeb and iDvd, so they don't include them on new computers. Only problem is my website for Happy Medium Studios was built and is maintained through iWeb. After two hours of fighting on the phone, the great folks over at Apple agreed to mail me the $16 DVD with those apps on it. For a fantastic look inside the world of Planned Obsolescence, click here to view a short film on the subject.